
Message from President
I would like to thank you for your continued support to the activities of the Japan-Belgium Society. I would also like to thank you for visiting our website.
The relationship between Japan and Belgium has a long history, with the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2016, a year in which commemorative celebrations were organized in both countries, with His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty King of the Belgians, respectively acting as Honorary President in Japan and in Belgium. This showed us how strongly the friendship between our two nations has been tied all these years.
The Japan-Belgium Society was established to promote amicable relations between Japan, Belgium and the EU countries with its focus on cultural exchanges as well as help contribute to the trade and business. In 2019, the Society celebrated its 50th anniversary. Since its establishment, it has continued to contribute to international relations at a civic level, through cultural, historical and economic activities, friendly interactions with the Belgium Embassy, various activities among members and in cooperation with organizations and companies closely linked to both countries.
In a world that is becoming increasingly fragmented, the friendship between Japan and Belgium, which has been built based on people’s grassroots activities like ours, is an invaluable asset. I believe this is exactly the practice of Belgian motto: “Eendracht maakt macht, L’Union fait la force, Strength lies in unity”.
As a unique form of public diplomacy, the activities of the Japan-Belgium Society will continue to connect the hearts and minds of all members.
Please feel free to open our door. You will find yourself with a new friendship opportunity.
The Japan-Belgium Society

Message from Ambassador
The ties of friendship between Japan and Belgium are historic and long-standing. They are based on trust, openness, diversity and traditions. We will soon celebrate the 160th anniversary of our bilateral diplomatic relations.
These relations are the result of numerous contacts between our fellow citizens, our businesses, our governments and our institutions. Over time, they have covered all sectors of activity: culture, economics, universities, research and development and sports. Our friendship consists of all those links created over time by Japanese and Belgians who studied or worked with each other. Like an ancient traditional tapestry, they are formed by numerous threads, patiently intertwined and weaved. Every single thread contributes to the ensemble.
For almost 55 years now, the Belgian-Japan Society has consolidated these bonds of friendship between Belgians and Japanese. It is an honor to be its Honorary President, and to be able to benefit from the experience and dynamism of its members. As an Ambassador of His Majesty the King of the Belgians to Japan, I am very fortunate to be able to rely on them.
Everyone, each in their field of activity and in their areas of interest, has a contribution to make to such an august organization, and I hope that other Belgians and Japanese will join the Society and actively participate to its program. Having been appointed as Ambassador to Japan and having presented my credentials to His Majesty the Emperor in October 2023, I look forward to supporting the Society and to meeting the women and men that compose it.
I wish the members of the Belgian-Japan Society every success in their projects and activities.
Antoine Evrard
Ambassador of His Majesty the King of the Belgians